Micronutrient Retention Dashboard

CPNH’s evidence synthesis work on micronutrient retention of biofortified crops gave us an opportunity to make the extensive individual-level data—across different combinations of crop type, processing method, micronutrient, and crop varieties— accessible for the end-user, including those in policy settings governmental and nongovernmental agencies, as well as the consumer. This interactive Micronutrient Dashboard allows the user to explore how processing and cooking changes the content and availability of micronutrients in various foods.


Huey SL, Koniecynszki EM, Mehta NH, Krisher JT, Bhargava A, Friesen VM, Mbuya MNN, Monterrosa EC, Nyangaresi AM, Mehta S. A systematic review of the impacts of post-harvest handling on provitamin A, iron and zinc retention in seven biofortified crops. Nature Food; DOI: 10.1038/s43016-023-00874-y

Dashboard © Krisher JT, Huey SL, Mehta S

Link to the Dashboard 

Screenshot - How to navigate the dashboard