Health Dashboard Demo

CPNH’s focus is to use advances such as those in AI including generative AI to accelerate the latest knowledge and technologies through the last mile, and make actionable information accessible for the end-user—including those in policy setting governmental and nongovernmental agencies, as well as the consumer. Specific to AI, we are using and evaluating different approaches including technologies built in-house at CPNH, with partners across campus, and those already available commercially to deliver reliable and actionable information.

Our key partners include the Department of Nutrition and Food Safety at the World Health Organization, the Institute of AI for Digital Health at Weill Cornell Medicine, and Springworks . The World Health Organization is the United Nations’ specialized agency in public health  providing evidence-informed recommendations for attaining the highest level of health and has repositories, databases and toolkits providing estimates from the health and nutrition status of populations with recommended actions for health for all.  The dashboard also includes high-quality state-of-the-art evidence synthesis for normative work on health interventions and diagnostics from COCHRANE, Campbell Collaboration, and NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements. This is a work in progress and the chat widget’s information sources are highly constrained - we will appreciate if you can email with any bug reports, feedback, and feature requests as we continue working on expanding the scope and functionality of this chatbot.